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Upcoming & Past Events

  • Pop Up Wild Food & Story Cafe II
    Pop Up Wild Food & Story Cafe II
    Sun, 08 Oct
    Blackhall Mill Comunity Centre
    08 Oct 2023, 12:30 – 15:00
    Blackhall Mill Comunity Centre, Herons View Cottage, 20 River View, Blackhall Mill, Newcastle upon Tyne NE17 7TQ, UK
    08 Oct 2023, 12:30 – 15:00
    Blackhall Mill Comunity Centre, Herons View Cottage, 20 River View, Blackhall Mill, Newcastle upon Tyne NE17 7TQ, UK
    This time around we bring to your plate the sweet and earthy flavours of Autumn. Come & meet the native wild edible fruits, nuts, seeds & roots of the season, re-wild your senses with their flavours, colours, shapes and stories. Learn about their medicinal properties and easy recipes to try at home.
  • Pop Up Wild food and Story Cafe
    Pop Up Wild food and Story Cafe
    Sun, 13 Aug
    Blackhall Mill Community Centre
    13 Aug 2023, 12:30 – 15:30
    Blackhall Mill Community Centre, Herons View Cottage, 20 River View, Blackhall Mill, Newcastle upon Tyne NE17 7TQ, UK
    13 Aug 2023, 12:30 – 15:30
    Blackhall Mill Community Centre, Herons View Cottage, 20 River View, Blackhall Mill, Newcastle upon Tyne NE17 7TQ, UK
    We bring the tastes, smells, stories and medicine of the local land to your plate. Come and meet the medicinal and edible plants of your local area, re-wild your senses with their unique flavours, colours, shapes and learn about their medicinal uses and some easy but yummy recipes to try at home.
  • Urban Foraging & Wild Cooking in Heaton Park
    Urban Foraging & Wild Cooking in Heaton Park
    Sun, 11 Sept
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    11 Sept 2022, 12:30 – 16:00
    Newcastle upon Tyne, Heaton Park View, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6, UK
    11 Sept 2022, 12:30 – 16:00
    Newcastle upon Tyne, Heaton Park View, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6, UK
    There is wilderness, food for free and herbal medicine even in the city. We will explore the wilder, less walked parts of Heaton Park where the native medicinal plants thrive, connecting to the land, re-wilding our bodies, minds and hearts through wildcrafting, storytelling, herbalism & wild cooking
  • Full Moon Plant Initiation Ceremony
    Full Moon Plant Initiation Ceremony
    Sat, 13 Aug
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    13 Aug 2022, 17:00 – 19:00
    Newcastle upon Tyne, Shanti Bee, Algernon Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6, UK
    13 Aug 2022, 17:00 – 19:00
    Newcastle upon Tyne, Shanti Bee, Algernon Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6, UK
    You will be initiated into the mythical & magical world of Late Summer Northumberland Herbs and their medicine. The ceremony will facilitate connection to these plants through plant-lore, herbalism, the flavours of wildcrafted foods, tea ceremony, sound journeying & somatic movement practices.
  • Urban Foraging - Raspberry Picking & Wild Cooking
    Urban Foraging - Raspberry Picking & Wild Cooking
    Sun, 31 Jul
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    31 Jul 2022, 12:30 – 15:30
    Newcastle upon Tyne, Nuns Moor Park, Brighton Grove, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4, Meeting point: The Bike Garden
    31 Jul 2022, 12:30 – 15:30
    Newcastle upon Tyne, Nuns Moor Park, Brighton Grove, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4, Meeting point: The Bike Garden
    In the green spaces of the city, there is so much wonder, medicine and stories that the land holds, reminding us about right relations, reciprocity & wellness. We will immerse ourselves into this wilder world by exploring the seasonal, local wild edible plants and their stories in Nuns Moor Park.
  • Midsummer Mugwort Plant Initiation Ceremony
    Midsummer Mugwort Plant Initiation Ceremony
    Sat, 18 Jun
    Shanti Bee
    18 Jun 2022, 17:00 – 18:30 BST
    Shanti Bee , Algernon Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6, UK
    18 Jun 2022, 17:00 – 18:30 BST
    Shanti Bee , Algernon Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6, UK
    Embraced by the rhythms of sacred sounds we will celebrate this time through dance, fire, sacred tea ceremony, shamanic journey, meditation, reflection, intention setting and sharing circle. You will be guided into a deep, relaxing, healing and grounding embodied journey into the energies of the
    Sun, 29 May
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    29 May 2022, 13:30 – 15:30
    Newcastle upon Tyne, Leazes Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4BJ, UK
    29 May 2022, 13:30 – 15:30
    Newcastle upon Tyne, Leazes Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 4BJ, UK
    Yes! There is wilderness, food for free and herbal medicine even in the city for those who have the eyes to see it. We will explore the wilder, less walked parts of Leazes Park where the native medicinal plants thrive, connecting to the plant kingdom and re-wilding our bodies, minds and hearts.
  • Beltane Plant Initiation Ceremony
    Beltane Plant Initiation Ceremony
    Sun, 01 May
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    01 May 2022, 16:00 – 17:30
    Newcastle upon Tyne, Algernon Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6, UK
    01 May 2022, 16:00 – 17:30
    Newcastle upon Tyne, Algernon Rd, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6, UK
    You'll be lead into a deep somatic experience of the magical and deeply healing world of plants through wildcrafted seasonal herbal infusions, somatic movement & sound, relaxing meditation, shamanic journey to the mythical world of plants, sharing circle and the stories of the herbs.


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